Understanding the Sales Attribution Report


This report will show the number of sales that were reported in the upload to the platform. It will then show the number of influenced sales from our platform and also some additional ways the store is advertising in the digital space.

BEST PRACTICE: We recommend uploading your list on a monthly basis.

  • Buyer Map - This shows where the actual buyers of the vehicles that are being sold are coming from.

  • Total Sales - Total number of sales that were uploaded from the report.

  • Ignite Closed Leads - The number of leads that the platform generated that were closed into buyers.

  • Ignite Assisted Leads - Customers that received platform generated emails prior to their date of purchase. The customer then clicked & returned back to the website to shop another time prior to their date of purchase.

  • Online Sessions - The number of online visits or visit sessions that the platform sees coming back from any source that we can track.

    • This is broken down on the Traffic Source/Medium Summary chart. This chart shows the number of sessions from different sources that are driving traffic to the website & the sales associated with each of those sources.

    • This view should give the client or agency a directional understanding of what they're doing in the digital world that's both working in terms of driving shopper traffic, but more importantly driving shopper traffic that is converting to buyers.