Configuring Engage Email


Your engage email is automatically templated based on how your write your offer. You have the option to use the default creative provided by the platform or you can upload your own creative.

BEST PRACTICE: The order of fields changes slightly from the OnSite Offer to Email. Always utilize the in-platform preview to make sure the offer is being displayed correctly.

Once your offer is saved, you can navigate to the EMAIL PREVIEW to see what your Engagement Email will look like.

Using Custom Creative?

If you’ve used custom creative in building your offer select the “Use Offer Uploaded Creative In Emails” button and the uploaded image will replace the platform default car image in the header of the email.

Select “Do not show products in emails” if you want to take out the recommended vehicles at the bottom of the email. This is beneficial if the emails are submitted for co-op funds and can only contain new inventory.


If a customer looks at multiple pages on the website with our pop ups, which offer appears in the email?

  • Every page on the website is assigned to an audience segment. The segment is a primary interest category and optionally a brand and model.

  • When shoppers visit pages on the websites associated with a particular audience segment, that segment gets assigned to their profiles.

  • When the platform sends emails it looks at the top audiences the visitor belongs to and tries to find offers and content that match

Does engaged with the most = most time on a particular page only? Are there other metrics that = engaged with the most?

  • Time on page is not considered. It’s number of hits against audience segments

Can change dynamically – does that mean in one email there are multiple offers that can dynamically rotate? Or, does this mean multiple emails are sent within a given time that rotate offers looked at on site?

  • Prior to sending emails, the system recalculates their top interests and delivers an offer based on that

  • The product inventory shown is their most recent browsing

What is the platform email cadence?

The platform tests all the visitors it knows against these conditions:

  • It finds individuals who have been on the site within the past week but not within the past 6 hours.

  • It will not be sent to the same address more often than every 48 hours

  • It will not send more than 2 emails to an address every 30 days

  • This timeline resets with each return visit from a shopper. There is no time out to this reset, so if a shopper continues to visit the site over a six month time period, they will continue to receive emails based on their shopping behavior.