Lead Information & Email Addresses


Email addresses are not ALWAYS included in the lead files.  When we get a lead conversion and can quickly identify the conversion at a residential address and get a valid email address from that household, we include it.  

Instances where it would NOT be included would include a conversion from someone at their place of business (we would be unable to resolve their location at a residence and therefore wouldn’t have an email address) or in another scenario we may see them at a residence but don’t have a valid email for that household.

There is an option in the setting to force the system to attempt to find an email address for all leads, but that doesn't guarantee an email address with every lead file.  You can find that under Settings → Site Information → Data Enrichment

On occasion, the platform will get the name of the Cell Phone User incorrect (example, if a family is on a shared plan, it may reflect the name of a person on the shared plan that did not convert on the offer).  IF your client requires the name to be correct every time, you can turn on the option to "require shoppers to provide names" function in the same screenshot above.  Doing this will mean the dealer will ONLY get leads IF the shopper takes the extra step of filling in their name when requested after their lead conversion activity.  If they do not fill out their name, the lead will not be passed to the dealer.

Points to Consider

  • To get the most conversion activity we require minimal information from a shopper - generally we just ask them to text us. When they do that we know that we are getting a verified phone number, WHICH SHOULD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO THE DEALER.

  • Next we take that number and go lookup the name associated with it (think Caller ID) - this is generally accurate but may be the name on the account etc.

  • In terms of locations reported: we report all location hits that we have seen for that visitor, they may not have been at home when we got that location hit.

  • Note that if the location is blue, not green - it was not good enough to resolve to an address so it should be considered approximate. Sometimes, depending on the mobile device model, this could even be an IP address based location which can be off significantly.