How to Set up Your Customer Loyalty Engine


Customer Loyalty Engine

Our customer loyalty engine allows you to upload a list of your past customers. Ignite will then continuously monitor the traffic on your website. When we see these shoppers return to your site, we will send them a personalized email message.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to Insights → Customer Loyalty Engine

  2. Click the button to configure

  3. Follow the instructions to upload a customer list

    • Make sure your uploaded file has all the required fields, including full street address

      BEST PRACTICE: We recommend uploading your previous 3 years of customers, at least. Refresh your list as often as you like, we will automatically update any previously uploaded customer data with your most recent data.

  4. Setup the email message and sender name/info.

    • The email template is completely customizable, but be sure the merge codes are kept in the same format as the example template below.

    • BEST PRACTICE: Review and update the message we will send to previous customers that we see return to your website. We will replace {{CustomerName}} with the name of the customer from your customer list. We will replace {{SenderName}} with the name in the Sender Name field.


Hello {{CustomerName}},

I wanted to thank you for being a loyal customer here at STORE NAME. We appreciate your past business and would love to welcome you back into our dealership for an exclusive offer for our most loyal customers.

We are offering an additional $1,000 for your trade-in for our current customers.

All you need to do is reply to this email and let me know that you're interested.

We value your business and also appreciate any referrals from your friends and family members. We look forward to having you back in our dealership soon.



Shop Online at {{Store Name}}

Make sure to update the information in the email text to suit your needs

  1. Slide the toggle to enable the loyalty engine

What Happens Next?

The platform will continue to perform as usual for identified locations, but it will now check each location it sees against the customer data file.

If the platform sees a customer location come to the website, it will NOT send them the usual marketing engagement email. Instead, it will send your Loyalty Email Message that you configured.

The platform will send loyalty messages once per 30 days to identified customers, it will not contact visitors with a primary interest of SERVICE.

If the customer replies to the Customer Loyalty email, their reply will go to whoever is set up as the sender.

What does the Loyalty email report look like?

A loyalty report similar to the image below, will land in your inbox daily with shopper's names and what they're interested in as well as a clickable shopper platform profile which provides the complete picture of where that shopper is located and what they're shopping for.


Can CLE target Service Customers?

  • At this time, Loyalty doesn't allow for targeting Service (it omits it on purpose). We've gotten other requests recently about being able to upload multiple lists and segment them as part of the loyalty targeting. This is something we're hoping to include as part of a future iteration of the Loyalty engine.