Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Event Tracking


Does the platform support GA4 events?

Yes, the platform will report events for both form engagements and form submissions/conversions.

What events are sent to GA4?

We will send an event when visitors first engage with a offer or conversion item (conversion hub button) and we will send an event on successful conversion action

How will the events look in GA4?

For automotive websites we adhere to the Automotive Standards Council conventions:

  • Form starts will be event name asc_form_engagement

  • Form submissions will be event name asc_form_submission and will be marked as conversions

For all other types of websites we adhere to Google/GA4 conventions

  • Form starts will be event name form_engagement

  • Form submissions will be event name form_submission and will be marked as conversions

What other information/dimensions are sent with the events

  • page_location → URL of the event

  • visitor_id → the platform’s identifier for that visitor

  • form_type → the name of the platform instance

Example Request Params

Based on measurement protocol docs here:

Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol CheatSheet (WIP)

BEST PRACTICE: Values in brackets substituted below